Monday 26 March 2012

Point-to-point PPTP VPN in Windows Server 2003

Figure 3

Figure 2

Figure 1

Point to Point Transfer Protocol

It is 3rd type of VPN
 We can configure this Protocol on "Windows Server 2003" Standered Edition.

1- On side A add a new user for "dial up" through side B.its created for side A server.
shown in figure 1.

2- Open "Routing and Remote access Polices" and add a new Dial up interface.
on this interface add Remote side local Network addresses and Gatway address.
shown in figure 2,3.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Proxy settings in ISA PROXY SERVER 2004

Go to Network and select web caching and add a new web chaning rule.

Add a External trafic destination from Network entities

Select redirect request from next request action window,shown in figure.

Add your proxy ip and port and user id with pasward.

At the end click finish.

Proxy Server can controle complexity of network. Many more "proxy servers" are online in world for provide free services to controle & monitor your networ trafic.
We can use a proxy provided by your ISP, Although another external proxy also used in ISA SERVER.
Proxy settings are shown in all figures.